The Basics基础知识
Lower Eyelid Anatomy下睑解剖
Upper Eyelid Anatomy上睑解剖
The Basics: Handling Instruments基础知识:如何使用手术器械
Basic Suturing: Interrupted基本缝合方法:间断缝合
The Basics: Eyelid Margin Closure基础知识:睑缘对位缝合
Eyelid Margin Closure - Diagonal Suture睑缘对位缝合-对角线睑板缝合
Eyelid Margin Closure with Thick Silicone Lid Margins Model硅胶模型演示睑缘对位缝合
The Blood Supply to the Eyelids眼睑的血供
Plastic Consent眼整形手术知情同意
Biopsy Technique活检技巧
Temporal Artery Biopsy颞浅动脉活检
Quickert's Procedure for Entropion, Quickert's术式矫正睑内翻
Anterior Lamellar Repositioning眼睑前层重置
Entropion Repair LTS and Everting Sutures外侧睑板条悬吊+缝线法矫正睑内翻
Entropion – A Practical Approach睑内翻-一种实用方法
3 Snip Punctoplasty and Wedge Excision, 3剪法泪点成形+眼睑楔形切除
The Lateral Tarsal Strip(LTS) 外侧睑板条悬吊
Canthal Suspension外眦悬吊矫正下睑水平方向松弛
The Medial Spindle内侧结膜梭形切除矫正内侧睑外翻/泪点外翻
KZ Procedure for Ectropion, KZ术式矫正睑外翻
The Triple S: Split Shorten, Slide. 3S:切开、缩短、滑行
Cicatricial Ectropion Repair with Graft皮肤移植矫正瘢痕性睑外翻
Assessing the Patient with Ectropion睑外翻患者的评估
Ectropion – A Practical Approach睑外翻-一种实用方法
Ptosis – A Practical Approach 上睑下垂 - 一种实用方法
Anterior Approach Ptosis Repair 上睑下垂前路修复
Posterior Approach Ptosis Repair上睑下垂后路修复
Silicone Brow Suspension硅胶悬吊上睑下垂矫术
Tumour Excision肿物切除
Excision of Dermoid Cyst皮样囊肿切除
Sebaceous Cyst Excision皮脂腺囊肿切除
Full Thickness Skin Graft全厚皮肤移植
Lateral Rotation/Advancement Flap外侧旋转/推进型皮瓣
Cheek Rotation Flap面颊部旋转皮瓣
Glabellar Rhomboid Flap眉间菱形皮瓣
Periosteal Flap骨膜瓣
The Hughes Tarsoconjunctival Flap Hughes睑板结膜瓣
Hughes Flap with Skin Advancement Hughes睑板结膜瓣+滑行/推进皮瓣
Hughes Flap and Skin Graft Hughes睑板结膜瓣+皮肤移植
Opening the Hughes Flap Hughes睑板结膜瓣术后睑裂切开
The Blepharoplasty Flap上睑成形皮瓣
Glabellar V to Y Flap眉间皮瓣V-Y成形
Cutler Beard Bridge Flap, Cutler Beard桥状组织瓣
Eyelid Trauma – Dog Bite眼睑外伤-狗咬伤
Marking the Heteropalpebral Flap上睑转下睑皮瓣设计
Inverse Tenzel Flap – Upper Lid Reconstruction反向Tenzel皮瓣-上睑重建
Lacrimal Syringing Technique泪道冲洗技巧
Painless Syringing无痛冲洗
3 Snip Punctoplasty 3剪法泪点成形
Canaliculitis – Incision and Curettage泪小管炎-切开和病灶刮除
Canalicular Laceration Repair泪小管断裂修复
Peter Henderson - External DCR外路泪囊鼻腔吻合术
Lester Jones Tube Insertion, Jones管置入
Endonasal DCR with Sutured Flaps内路(经鼻内镜)DCR(泪囊鼻腔吻合术)+黏膜瓣缝合(泪道)
Stoploss Lester Jones Tube System防脱出Jones管系统
Charles Su: Lateral Orbitotomy外侧开眶
Orbital Evisceration眶内容摘除
Enucleation and Orbital Implant眼球摘除义眼台植入术
Facial Palsy面神经麻痹
Gold Weight Insertion金块植入术
Temporary Tarsorraphy临时性睑裂缝合术
Central Tarsorraphy永久性睑缘粘连术
Botox Injection Technique肉毒素注射技术
Botox Templates肉毒素注射参考(图片)
Botox for Axillary Hyperhydrosis肉毒素治疗腋臭
Cheek Filler面颊注射填充物
Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty上睑成形(重睑)
Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty下睑成形(眼袋)
Excision of Festoons颧部条纹切除
The Z-Plasty, Z成形
Levator Hang Back to Lower the Eyelid提上睑肌后徙悬吊矫正上睑退缩
Marking the Upper Blepharoplasty重睑设计
The “One Stitch” Keyhole LTS“一针法”外侧睑板条悬吊
Lateral Canthopexy外眦固定术
Medial Canthal Laxity 内眦韧带松弛矫正术
Why does my eye water if I have dry eye? 我有干眼症,为什么还容易流眼泪?